June 17, 2015 | Jon Hautamäki

The General Data Protection Regulation Takes A Leap Forward
On 15 June 2015, the the Ministers in the EU Justice Council reached a general approach on the general data protection regulation that establishes rules adapted to the digital era. The twin aims of this regulation are to enhance the level of personal data protection for individuals and to increase business opportunities in the Digital Single Market.
A general approach means that the Council has a political agreement on the basis of which it can now begin negotiations with the European Parliament with a view to reaching overall agreement on new EU data protection rules. A first trilogue with the Parliament is planned for 24 June 2015. The aim is that the reform will be finalized within the end of 2015.
The reform will in general give rise to an enhanced level of data protection, increased business opportunities in the Digital Single Market, more and better tools to enforce compliance with the data protection rules and guarantees regarding transfers of personal data outside the EU.
17.06.2015 JON